The pictures are up from the exhibit. (scroll down) I took them right before breaking everything down. I intended the space to be interactive so wanted to capture what it looked like after being up for a week.
Everything was pretty much intact, except there were finger prints everywhere, somebody inserted their biz card into my display, there was a left over champagne bottle and someone might have destroyed my KRK Rokits (my sweet little studio monitor speakers shown in the corner), which isn’t confirmed yet as I have yet to retest them at home. Hopefully the speakers still work, as I hope to rock out some new original music soon, or collabs and whatnot and need them for my home studio (though its not like they are my only pair of speakers, you know how we do! Generally I wouldn’t leave nice equipment like that unattended however it was for a design exhibit, my first of the like, so I may have to view them as a casualty of art.
Moving forward, this section of the blog will serve to host found items. Mainly of a digital nature, like many standard blogs, and regular postings about the site itself. The internal pages will be more exclusive to Planet Disco approved or created content. I’m getting the animation into a gallery form so that it may be featured here, and adding a beginning and an end to the game.
Additionally, I’d like to host some of the scans of the drawings I did that were used in the animation, as all the celebrities were hand drawn. I originally intended the exhibit to be as paper free as possible, however since these assets were created, I would have liked to have included them in the exhibit. Being a motion designer, I was so concerned with the digital aspect, I didn’t think of that until the day of the show and by then it was too late. (though the drawings had obviously been created well before animation was finished) Maybe next time. Ha.
This site, like the story being told by the animation, is something that will evolve and unfold gradually.
Coming soon! Planet Disco Episode 2!
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