Reworking the System

**this entry is written with the hope that submissions and/or corrections will be posted by the readers – I’m looking to get facts from every angle on this matter.**

Lately there has been something of interest happening in the United States. We have underway, dare I say, a revolution of sorts. However, as far as I can tell, the only violence has been from the police force against peaceful protesters. This is a beautiful thing, because, the only way this revolution will experience a positive outcome, is through non-violence. But as an active citizen, I’d like to take some time to identify some key issues that I think should be dealt with. While I lack the time to research the means in which to achieve these goals, I hope to shine some light on the outlines of some ways I think we can rework the network that is already in place, while creating a better future. Now I have to say that I’ve spent several months on this article, and this has now become a worldwide movement. And there has been one instance of violence that I heard about, and that was in Rome. Apparently the non-violent movement, was used as a platform to create violence. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perspective, violence is not going to solve this battle of unification of systems on a world level to, A: Save our world, and B: Create a better future. Why? Because history has shown, that war and violence has only led to death and destruction.

Short-term Goals:
Trim the fat. Why is it that there is little to no regulations in place that control the way our money is used when we entrust it to banks? Why is it that CEO’s of banks that took billions of dollars of our money in bailouts make upwards of 400 million dollars a year? What are these people even doing to make this world a better place to live? Nothing. In fact, they are responsible for destroying the global economy yet they go unpunished!? In fact they get appointed to government positions! The EU has implemented regulations that restrict the amount of bonuses that are given to banking establishment employees that give out high risk loans and other such impractical and criminal behavior, yet the US can’t seem to get it together? What is going on? Have we really turned our backs on one another so much because of greed and money that we can’t seem to sort anything out? The short-sightedness of a select few is going to end up costing us our solidarity as a country (and already has), our stability as a world economy, and since it’s all one world for the most part these days, our future Global Economies, and eventually our planet. Things need to change. Big Time. That’s what the Occupy Movement is about. Demanding change. It obviously isn’t going to come easily. This is something that every individual needs to do their best to start gathering the facts about, and doing their part to help instigate this change. We can only be responsible for ourselves, therefore, now is the time, for us, to start acting as responsible global citizens. Empower yourself!

As individuals, we all have things that we enjoy, that we are good at, and that we can contribute to one another in a way that will continue our infrastructures in positive ways. These infrastructures will organically be redefined in a peaceful way, to positively benefit everyone if every individual is doing a job in which they don’t hate, and in fact derive some sort of pleasure from. There is enough people on the planet, to assure that every job is achieved. The most hated jobs that nobody wants to do should be replaced with mechanisms. Work smarter not harder. We have technology in place to create mechanisms that can do the most menial tasks. However with innovation, comes the inherent risks of “change”. The loss of unskilled, entry level work, is always a risk. Also, let’s face it, not all people wish to acquire skills and occupy themselves this way; not everyone wants to work. The only possible solution would be if as a collective species, we say, “I’m ready to take charge, be unafraid of progress, and tune in.” Dropping out got us no where fast, it’s time to take up the arms and time for reform! Everyday you have to work, so that you can work to improve things for yourself and your world, every day. Everybody wants something for nothing. What if all of us, always gave our Everything? A New Future like nothing mankind has ever seen.

A arguing viewpoint could be, as humans I think we have a constant fear of being overturned by our own inventions. I know, as a blogger, and someone who works in the creative field on computers, I’m constantly on a computer. This for me can be sad, as it is also very isolating from other humans. However I am also connected to people all over the world because of technology. What if, there were robots to gather the trash, and clean up the muck? I wouldn’t mind that. I also wouldn’t want some evil corporation building this for me. I’d want a responsible corporation, who is an active global citizen. Corporations aren’t people themselves, but they are filled with people. I’m not exactly anti-corporation, however I’m anti-greed. I think the term “corporation” needs to be redefined in a productive way. This word is outdated for “companies/collaborations/collections” of the future. I’d want these “corporations” to build me “nice robots”, so to speak. I think key companies that, overall, have shown to be responsible in this way, should be identified, and supported, while also being subject to the same, new regulatory standards that will be in place.

So far, as a movement, our first target, has been banks. This is clearly referenced above as to why this needs to happen. If anything, the way these jobs are regulated, needs reform. Come On guys. Let’s get this budget sorted fairly and properly. Stop playing games with power. Let’s identify key services that need to happen to ensure a better future. First of all, let’s reflect on the mistakes of about 150 years ago. What if, early inventors, were empowered to explore the electric engine? We, as humans, easily get drawn to quick solutions such as fossil fuel. Liquid Death. Let’s not dig up the past, though. Let’s move forward and concentrate our extra expenditures onto alternative solutions. Let’s see cleaner air and water in our lifetimes!. Let’s see the Rain Forest start to grow back!! Why not? If there was a collective shift to push these efforts, as a whole, we could accomplish this easily. And achieve the bottom line at the same time!

As humans, we come from the Earth, also from Space, as all elements do. We are all connected in this really intricate and fascinating way. Let’s focus on this and let Science, Love, and Health prevail. And yet a good time will be had by all.

Draft draft

This paper that was drawn up is symbol to a notion of TRUE FREEDOM. By getting what the old timers have on paper, changed to fit current times, we have true change – for now. Eventually we can create our own new systems but first the people have to Talk and up-rise, in a peaceful way that doesn’t repeat FAILed systems of the past. Take over from the inside and create real change? Or what, tear down all the architecture again and start over? Kill one another? No.